The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii, in collaboration with the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii and The Filipino Community Center (FILCom), are reaching out to the business community to provide much-needed relief assistance to those who have been affected by devastating Typhoon Haiyan. In addition to the thousands feared dead, it is estimated that approximately 615,770 people are displaced from their homes, and millions more affected without food and water, adequate shelter, sanitation and basic living supplies.


We encourage you to make a difference by participating in the following:

  • The Filipino Community Center is accepting donations here: You may mail in your donation to 94-428 Mokuola Street, Suite 302, Waipahu, HI 96797. The office is also accepting monetary donations and is open daily from 9:00am-5:00pm. For more information, email:
  • 2.  Hawaii Red Cross – Honolulu has set up a family tracing services hotline for those looking for missing family members in the Philippines. The number to call is 739-8115. Please leave a message with your name and phone number and a caseworker will get back to you. Callers will be asked to give the full name, address, and telephone number of the missing person. The Hawaii Red Cross will forward inquiries to the American National Red Cross which is working with the Philippine Red Cross to locate family members.
  • “Aloha for Philippines” shirts (logo above) priced at $20 are available for purchase and 100% of proceeds will benefit relief efforts. For more details, email the Filipino Community Center:
  • Participating L&L Hawaiian Barbecue locations will be accepting donations for ongoing relief efforts until the end of the month. 100% of the total amount collected will be given to an organization that works directly in providing relief in the Philippines via the FilCom Center.
  • Dillingham LBC branch is accepting donations of clothing, food; goods and products should already be in a box before dropping it off to them. The shipping will be free up to 11/30/13. Call 841-1535 for more information.
  • The Vault by Scholars Clothing Co. in Kalihi will be setting up donation boxes to send to the Philippines. Any donation (non-monetary)—big or small is greatly appreciated. Receive 10% off your purchase when making a donation. Address: 1545 Colburn Street Unit 202 – Honolulu, HI 96817
  • Filipino Junior Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii is hosting a Happy Hour Business Networking Social for typhoon relief at Nocturna Lounge on Wednesday, December 4 at 7pm. Tickets are $10 pre-sale and $15 at the door; includes heavy pupus.
  • Hilton Hawaii Village will be hosting a live five-hour telethon on Sunday, December 15, which will simulcast across TV and radio stations in the state.
  • Verizon is waiving charges on residential landlines through Dec. 7, also retroactive to Friday. Wireless customers who aren’t under prepaid plans are also eligible.

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