Hawaii on the Hill Returns

The Chamber’s inaugural Hawaii on the Hill event – July 22-23, 2014 – brought together more than 30 Hawaii businesses to showcase the 50th state’s food, culture and industries on Capitol Hill with members of Congress, national association executives and other representatives.
The two-day itinerary included a Welcome Reception at Google Headquarters; Talk Story Visit with Senator Hirono;  tours of the White House, Capitol and National Parks; a Legislative Policy Forum; and was capped off by Taste of Hawaii on the Hill event which hosted more than 1,000 attendees.
Next  year, Hawaii on the Hill is scheduled for June 9-10, 2015. We welcome Hawaii businesses to join us in sharing the aloha spirit on a national level and elevating Hawaii’s reputation as a place to do and conduct business. For more information on how to join this initiative, please email Lori Abe.

To read our 2014 press release, click here.
To view 2014 news coverage of Hawaii on the Hill, click here.
To view photos from last year’s Hawaii on the Hill, click here.

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