About forty-four ships from nearly 24 nations and some 25,000 uniformed personnel have flowed into Pearl Harbor to participate in RIMPAC 2014, which begins on 26 June. The exercise will dominate Hawaii’s seas, skies, and military training areas through 1 August as the...
Stanford Carr Development, LLC, US Med Urgent Care Pearl City

Stanford Carr Development, LLC, US Med Urgent Care Pearl City

Stanford Carr Development, LLC 1100 Alakea Street, 27th Floor Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: 537-5220 Email: scarr@stanfordcarr.com Stanford Carr Development, LLC. is a local development firm headquartered in Honolulu. Founded in 1990 by Maui-born Stanford Carr, this...
Top 7 Beer and Candy Pairings for Summer Parties

Top 7 Beer and Candy Pairings for Summer Parties

FAIRFIELD, Calif., June 5, 2014­­ /PRNewswire/ — As the craft beer movement continues to grow, enthusiasts are finding new ways to celebrate their favorite brews. One of the latest trends lets beer connoisseurs be kids again by pairing beers with candy to...

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