HONOLULU (July 10, 2014) – The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii’s Military Affairs Council (MAC) sponsored an orientation visit to the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) at Barking Sands, Kauai Tuesday for business leaders, and county and state officials from Kauai and Oahu. The Missile Range Facility is the island’s largest employer outside of county government and is the key R&D site for the nation’s ballistic missile defense program and the Navy’s premier anti-submarine warfare testing and training range. State Senator Ron Kouchi, Representatives Derek Kawakami and Dee Morikawa, Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Council Chair Jay Fufaro and representatives from the Hawaii Navy League were in attendance.
“PMRF Commander Bruce Hay did an excellent job of sharing with the assembled group the important missile defense work which is conducted, critical to our nation’s defense.  We toured the launch and testing areas. In addition, we had a most promising discussion about public-private partnerships with the base – in the areas of renewable energy, internships and research.  This is just the beginning,” said Jennifer Sabas of the MAC Team.

The direct and indirect impacts of military expenditures are reported to generate $14.7 billion into Hawaii’s economy, creating more than 102,000 jobs for residents that collectively report household incomes around $8.7 billion. Military expenditures totaling $8.8 billion annually has elevated the defense industry and military procurement contracts amount to about $2.3 billion annually, making it a prime source of contracting opportunities for hundreds of Hawaii’s small businesses.
As the leading “Voice of Business” in Hawaii, the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii is the state’s largest organization advocating for businesses in Hawaii. Established in 1850, the Chamber works on behalf of its approximately 1,000 member companies and the business community, as a whole, to advance the state’s economic climate and help businesses succeed. The Chamber supports its members with training, business building and networking opportunities; coordinates advocacy activities for members’ involvement; and serves as a liaison between civilian and military communities in Hawaii.
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Contact: Lori Abe
808-282-4398 (mobile)

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