We've Reached Our Goal!

We are proud to announce that we have reached 2,017 members! It is the first time in over 10 years since we’ve gone beyond the 1,200 member mark.

In 2014, the Chamber set an ambitious goal of doubling our membership. The larger our membership, the more we can do to support our members and strengthen our economy.

We sincerely thank each one of our 2,017 member organizations who join us in our mission to support and build business in Hawaii.

A special thank you to our Laulima Partnership members from our neighbor island Chambers, including Hawaii Island, Kauai, Kona-Kohala and Molokai, all of whom helped us achieve this goal. Their support and participation are critical to the success of our advocacy efforts across the state so that, together, we can help businesses success and thrive.  

Please join us in celebrating our strong community of business leaders in Hawaii!

Check out our posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #2017in2017.

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