DBEDT has just released its highlights based on the 2016 State and County characteristics data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The highlights as well as additional data files have been uploaded to our departmental website under the “2016 State Characteristics” section. The data files contain data by single years of age for residents, civilians, and the military population for 2010 to 2016. This data is available for both the State of Hawaii and the United States.

An easy way of viewing the 2016 population estimate data for the State of Hawaii and its counties is by using our DBEDT summary table. Selected 2016 state and county characteristics data will be added to this table shortly.

A population estimate map containing that same data is also on the website. This map was produced by DBEDT’s Hawaii Statewide GIS Program.

View the Hawaii Populations Characteristics 2016 PDF file.

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