Election Day Officials assist voters, provide operational support, and ensure the integrity of the voting process.

Primary: Saturday, August 11
General: Tuesday, November 6
Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

•16-years-old by June 30, 2018
•Registered to vote in Hawaii
•Able to read and write English

No candidate for office may serve as a precinct official. Additionally, no parent, spouse, reciprocal beneficiary, child, or sibling of a candidate may serve as a precinct official where the candidate appears on the ballot.

Volunteers learn about and experience the electoral process while receiving a stipend. Work hours vary by position.

Control Center Operator
Responds to telephone inquiries and requests from polling places using a computer-based call center application. Duties include entering information, providing solutions, and escalating issues.
Stipend: $85

Counting Center Official
Processes, tabulates, and disseminates election results from the counting center. Volunteer to work on one of the following Teams:
•Absentee Ballot
•Ballot Storage
•Computer Operations
•Manual Audit
•Official Observer
•Poll Book Audit
•Precinct Can
Stipend: $85-95

Delivery/Collection Official
Delivers ballots and supplies to each polling place the morning of the election. Collects ballots and supplies from each polling place after the polls have closed. Each team consist of two members.
Stipend: $50 – $95

Election Information Services Official
Responds to general inquiries from the public and forwards special circumstances to appropriate officials.
Stipend: $85

Facility Official
Sets up election equipment at polling places on election eve. Provides access to polling places on election day. Disassembles and stores the election equipment after the polls close on election day.
Stipend: $60 – $140

Precinct Official
Assist voters at the polling place while ensuring the integrity of the voting process. Precinct Officials operate the Check-In Station, eScan Station, and eSlate Station.
Stipend: $85

Voter Assistance Official
Assist the Chairperson in managing the polling place. Operates the Voter Assistance Station. Assist voters and administers special procedures.
Stipend: $100

Nonprofit organizations, like a high school sports team or social club, may volunteer as Election Day Officials as a fundraiser. Each organization must provide a tax clearance certificate, memorandum of agreement, and a list of volunteers who have agreed to donate their stipend.

No political action committees or groups organized for political purposes may participate.

To learn more or sign-up to volunteer, contact the Office of Elections:
(808) 453-VOTE (8683) elections@hawaii.gov www.elections.hawaii.gov

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