More than 5,000 people every year rely on IHS, The Institute for Human Services for a wide variety of needs. While shelter, food, housing and care are just a few of those needs. So are clothes, linens, towels and toiletries. There’s an urgent need for these items now.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Locations has rallied to help and the real estate firm with eight locations islandwide is urging the community to drop off these items from June 17 to 21 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

New or gently used items in good condition are welcome: clothing, shoes and slippers, as well as linens, towels and toiletries. Men’s business attire such as aloha shirts and dress pants, as well as, keiki clothing for toddlers and school-aged children are in high demand.  

Locations Offices & Kiosks To Serve as Drop-Off Locations Between June 17 and 21

  • Diamond Head—614 Kapahulu Ave. #300
  • Kailua—151 Hekili St. #120
  • Kapolei—91-590 Farrington Hwy. #125 (Kapolei Shopping Center)
  • Kapolei—91-710 Farrington Hwy #120
  • Mililani—95-720 Lanikuhana Ave. #120
  • Pearlridge—98-161 Kaonohi St.
  • Pearlridge Kiosk—Pearlridge Shopping Center – Uptown
  • Windward Kiosk—Windward Mall – Kaneohe

“A key to ending homelessness is to help people get job ready,” said IHS Employment Program Manager, November Morris. “Business clothes help our homeless clients develop self-confidence and present a powerful first impression. Ultimately, it makes a sustainable impact on their lives as they become employed.”

“Our children’s main complaint at school is bullying because they are identified as homeless by what they wear,” stated IHS Children’s Program Manager, Amber Leon-Guerrero. “IHS needs clothes for all ages, including school-age children and toddlers.”

The 9th annual donation drive will also benefit United Cerebral Palsy Association of Hawaii and Partners in Development. “We’re collecting basic necessities for these organizations that are vital to individuals and families in need across Hawaii,” said Locations REALTOR® and Foundation President Kristin Mukai.

“Our goal this year is to collect 15,000 pounds of clothing,” said Mukai. “Locations Foundation will match dollar-to-pound and distribute equally to our three nonprofit partners.”

“So often homeless lose their personal belongings that are meaningful and important to them,” stated Kimo Carvalho, IHS Spokesperson. “Replacing those items that our clients can claim as their own once again, such as fresh, clean clothes, is a huge deal in their journey out of homelessness.”

The Locations Foundation Clothing Drive is Hawaii’s largest corporate-sponsored clothing drive, and has donated nearly 50,000 pounds of clothing since 2011.

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