e-Voice of Business Newsletter 1/02/19

President’s Message

Aloha Chamber members,

Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to roll with 2019! The Chamber team is excited for this year and looks forward to Raising the Bar.
We have been preparing in earnest for the 2019 Legislative Session, meeting with the newly elected legislators, leadership and committee chairs to discuss our legislative package and other bills that will be introduced this session.
We’ve also been gearing up for Chamber Week, a week of events to engage our members in our business advocacy work and which coincides with the opening of the Legislature on January 16. Chamber Week provides an opportunity for members and the business community to meet legislators face-to-face, including at the Walk Around at the State Capitol and Legislative Meet and Greet. As a statewide effort, members of the neighbor island chambers and other business organizations will join us in this initiative. We look forward to welcoming you at these events and bringing a strong presence and a unified voice in support of your business.

Laulima & mahalo,

Sherry Menor-McNamara
President & CEO

Advocating for Business

Anchor2019 Legislature: House Committee Preview

With the Legislative Session starting in two weeks, here is a preview of notable committee changes.

House Committee on Economic Development & Business (EDB)

During the 2018 session, Chair and Vice Chair was Cindy Evans and Jarrett Keohokalole, respectively. With Evans’ departure and Keohokalole elected to the State Senate, EDB will have a new Chair and Vice Chair. Representative Angus McKelvey will serve as Chair this session and freshman legislator Representative Lisa Kitagawa will serve as Vice Chair. This committee was instrumental in passing legislation pertaining to manufacturing and the state’s Small Business Innovation Research program last session.

House Committee on Labor & Public Employment (LAB)

While Representative Aaron Ling Johanson will continue as Chair of this important committee, freshman legislator Representative Stacelynn Eli will serve as Vice Chair. Vice Chair was previously Representative Daniel Holt, who is now Vice Chair of Tourism & International Affairs. LAB has oversight over all labor-related issues including employer mandates like minimum wage and paid leave.

For more information about committee assignments, please click here.

Supporting our Military

Last Chance to Register for MAC Conference

The Chamber’s Military Affairs Council (MAC) 2019 Hawaii Military Partnership Conference and Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 10th at the Hawaii State Capitol and Historic Washington Place, from 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM. This conference is an opportunity for Hawaii’s leaders — business, labor, political and military — to meet and interact with one another, and learn about the military’s priorities in Hawaii and the Indo-Pacific Region. Registration deadline is Friday, January 4th. 

The opening session, which starts promptly at 8:00 AM, currently includes a regional briefing from U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and keynote remarks from Rear Admiral Jon Hill, Deputy Director of the Missile Defense Agency, and Brigadier General Paul Fredenburgh III, Director, Command, Control Communications and Cyber (C4) at U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (invited). Following the opening session, there will be three break-out sessions beginning at 10:30 AM, with each attendee selecting one in which to participate: 1) Pohakuloa 2029; 2) Criticality of Red Hill – Readiness for the Region; and 3) Space: The Final Frontier is Here. 

Upon the conclusion of the break-out sessions at the Capitol around 11:30 AM, attendees will proceed to Washington Place for the lunch program, which begins at 12:00 PM. Registration for MAC members and affiliated partners is $75, $100 for Chamber members, and $200 for the general public. Conference registration includes continental breakfast and lunch. Please note that due to space limitations, priority will be given to MAC and Chamber members. For more information or to register for the conference by January 4th, please click here.

Building our Membership

Anchor2019 Chamber Week: Legislative Meet & Greet Reception

Join us on Thursday, January 17th at the IBM Building from 5:30 – 7:30 PM for our Legislative Meet & Greet Reception. Take advantage of this opportunity to network, meet legislators and share your thoughts about business in Hawaii. Enjoy a “Taste of Hawaii” with local food, entertainment and a complimentary treat from Spa Waikiki. 

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