Cardholder Services: 1-800-352-5202

For general program information, email or call 808-825-4904

The Hawai‘i Restaurant Card program provides Hawai‘i restaurants, eateries, bakeries and food caterers with much-needed support during our challenging times by encouraging local residents to patronize and revive local restaurants financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Hawai‘i Restaurant Card Program is simple and easy to use, and no application is required to participate. Hawai‘i residents who filed an initial claim for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits beginning March 1, 2020 (and/or thereafter), certified that their job loss was due to the pandemic, and received UI benefits during the month of September 2020, will receive a preloaded, prepaid debit card in the mail.

The Hawai‘i Restaurant Card issued to eligible UI claimants will contain $500 for use at Hawai‘i eating establishments, restaurants, bakeries and food caterers with MCC codes of 5812, 5814,  5462 and 5811, respectively, for dine-in and take-out food and non-alcoholic beverage purchases only. If wine, beer or spirits are ordered with a meal, restaurants will need to issue a separate check for these purchases for Hawai‘i Restaurant Card holders to pay using their own funds. Available funds on the Hawai‘i Restaurant Card are available to use through December 15, 2020.

The Hawai‘i Restaurant Card Program will not only support restaurants and displaced workers, but also provide a financial boost to businesses along the food supply chain, including farmers, ranchers, fisherman, produce suppliers, supply companies and many more.

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