How to Submit Testimony Against Bill 40


Use this form to submit testimony:;

Instructions for filling out the Testimony Form:

  1. Fill in your name, phone and email.
  2. Meeting date: Write in “11-14-2019
  3. Council/PH committee: Select “Public Safety & Welfare
  4. Agenda item: Write in “Bill 40
  5. Your position on the matter: Click “Oppose”
  6. Representing: Select either “Self” or “Organization” – If you are representing your organization, please make sure to have proper authority.
  7. Do you wish to speak at the hearing?: Select either “Yes” or “No” – If you would like to Testify in person, please select YES. If you select YES, your name will be put on the on the list and you will be able speak before all those who just walk-in. However, we cannot guarantee what time you will be heard. 
  8. Written Testimony: Write in your testimony here. (You can copy & paste from the customized letters attached or from the ones we sent earlier).
  9. Testimony Attachment: If you have a signed letter or separate document you would like to attach, you can upload it here. (optional)
  10. Accept Terms and Agreement: Click box. Please note that this testimony is public record.

Sample Testimony:

  1. Why the rush to fix Bill 40, a bill that is so broken that even if it is amended to address its many flaws, will still be a sub-optimal bill?  This bill failed to involve a key stakeholder group – Hawaii businesses – and was widely criticized for its shortcomings. The changes that are being pushed through will create even more confusion.  We should allow the state’s plastic reduction working group to take this issue up, involve all stakeholders, and come to a more rational and comprehensive solution to reduce plastics use. Please vote no on Bill 40.
  2. Please do not vote for Bill 40. A total ban on plastics will only cause local businesses to close their doors and cause even more people to move out of the state. It doesn’t target the real problem:  the overwhelming percentage of the plastics in Hawaii come from imported products that are not affected by this bill. The bill places an unfair burden on local businesses and lets outside companies off the hook.
  3. The recent amendment to Bill 40 banning plastic is unfair and detrimental to local businesses. Banning businesses from using plastic with no other safe alternative doesn’t make any sense. We need more dialogue and input from businesses to figure out a way to do this within a reasonable amount of time and to assess what is possible. Please vote no on Bill 40.
  4. The amendment to ban all plastics will only create more cost for local businesses. Hawaii is already one of the toughest states to run a business in because of high costs and limited resources. Bill 40 will only make it harder for both established local businesses and mom-and-pops to survive. We’ve already lost so many okazuyas and mom and pop restaurants. These businesses make Hawaii, Hawaii. Without these businesses, we will lose our Aloha State food culture and we’ll be just like any other state on the mainland. Don’t vote for Bill 40.
  5. Please Vote No on Bill 40: Banning local businesses from using plastic will cause them to go out of business before it saves the environment. The amendment was introduced without input from the businesses it will affect the most. The ban doesn’t make sense and does more harm than good. Hawaii businesses support protecting the environment, but we need reasonable solutions and enough time to implement the changes.

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