Legislative Activities and Initiatives

e-Voice of Business Updates
Legislative updates, information on legislative events, as well as Chamber committee updates and other pertinent information, will be communicated via our weekly e-Voice of Business newsletter.
Legislative “Action Alerts”
This tool allows members to send testimony on bills scheduled for hearings and send letters to their legislators, all in a few minutes. Essentially, the Chamber sends “Action Alerts” via email, Twitter and Facebook to members when action is needed. A description of the bill, a pre-written message, and recipients of the messages, such as committee chairs and members’ legislators, are pre-set in the alerts. All members have to do is fill out their home information, insert some basic information in the “pre-written” letter, and click, “send.” EASY!
Legislative Update Sessions
The purpose of this session is to provide an update to members about important legislation that is going through the legislative process. Policy committee chairs provide brief explanations as to how the bills will impact business. These sessions are held in mid-March and May.
“Walk Arounds” at the State Capitol
At the start of every legislative session, the Chamber holds a “Walk Around at the Capitol” with members, representing small, medium and large businesses, and neighbor island, regional and ethnic chambers, as well as other business organizations. The purpose is to walk door-to-door to legislator’s offices to personally share the Chamber’s position on key issues.
“Legislative 101”
The purpose of this class is to explain how a bill becomes a law, the importance of getting involved and how to get involved. It is usually held in mid-January.
Legislative Business Forum and Reception
The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for members and legislators to meet and network, as well as for members to meet affiliated chamber members. This event is usually scheduled in January.
For a complete guide on how you can participate in the legislative process, download a copy of the “Citizens’ Guide.”
Get involved! Contact Pono Chong, VP of Business Advocacy & Development, (808) 380-2607, pchong@cochawaii.org.

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