What the YP Program Offers
YP Chair Bianca Mordasini was featured on HI Now to discuss the program’s impact on Hawaii’s young leaders.
Lindsey Fukano higlights the YP Program and the difference young professionals are making in the community.
Afternoon Buzz
Quarterly networking opportunity for prospective and new members.
Business Networking Events
Opportunities for YPs to meet other young professionals in a social setting and make valuable, long-lasting business and personal connections.
Exec Connect
Monthly “talk story” with Chamber board members and other local business leaders.
Pop-Up Events
Other YP exclusive events include golf clinics, business etiquette workshops and more.
Starter Pack
Monthly new member orientation to ensure that you are making the most of your YP membership.
Engage Conference
All of the most popular YP programs combined into a one-day conference featuring Hawaii business leaders.
Aspire Leadership Development Program
A professional development program designed for women leaders.
Community Connect
Opportunities for YP members to connect with volunteer and non-profit board leadership opportunities.
Mentor Hawaii
YP’s signature mentorship program provides exclusive access to Hawaii’s top executives for one-on-one mentoring to support career growth and elevated business acumen. View details here.
New in 2021, YP High School Mentorship Cohort where young professionals mentor high school students.
Professional Development Classes
Monthly classes that support a YP’s advancement in the workforce.
Sponsor the YP Program
In addition to being a proud supporter of a program that fosters Hawaii’s next generation of leaders, sponsorship offers the opportunity to market your products and services to a targeted group.
For more information, please email us or call us at (808) 380-2611.